How an osteopath can help children at school

An osteopathic assessment of the child is of paramount importance to ensure that they are physically balanced, and that there is no undue strain in the body that is causing or aggravating the learning problem. This is especially true for children who are already in school – where a lot more challenges face them.

How does osteopathy help school-age kids?

To help children with developmental difficulties learn concepts faster

Cranial Osteopathic treatment is a very gentle approach to treating children with learning or developmental difficulties. Specific gentle pressure is applied where necessary to enable the inherent healing ability of the body to effect the release of stresses. Osteopathic treatment can help in improving concentration, co-ordination, fine and gross motor skills, and auditory and visual processing issues.

To help a child concentrate

Being able to concentrate means that children are able to keep their minds focused on a task for a reasonable period of time, the length of time depending on the age of the child.

Getting distracted is normal for young children. Most children have times when they are restless and forgetful. In general the causes for lack of concentration among children include tiredness and late-nights, poor diet and lack of interest.

If your child is fidgety and unable to sit and concentrate for long, and you have out-ruled the obvious causes of distraction, it may be due to physical discomfort and tension that they do not have the words to explain. As some children retain the stresses and strains of birth, gentle treatment from a trained cranial osteopath can be beneficial to help release these pressures, enabling your child to fully engage with life again. A child who is physically uncomfortable may not complain of aches and pains. The stresses have probably been present since birth, and have become ‘normal’ for that child.

To help master motor skills

Children of school age may have difficulty concentrating, coping with learning and writing, or with developing and mastering fine and gross motor skills.  Their general well-being can suffer from repeated exposure to infections at day  care or at school.  Osteopathy aims to play a supportive role through this stage of their development by helping them relax – thus enabling the children to be in a better physical state to learn and retain concepts.

Helps older children / teens got through physical developments according to the norm

At this stage there is rapid growth and development, thus necessitating regular osteopathic checks and treatment to help them adjust with developments more easily. Some of the issues that arise at this age include spinal asymmetry, postural fatigue, growth related bone pain, anxiety and headaches. The osteopathic management of children at all ages is rewarding because it ensures that every aspect of growth is taking place appropriately – resolving issues promptly as they arise.
