Tongue Tie

Tongue Tie

Heard about tongue ties in babies?

Are you wondering if your baby might have one?

Here are 2 simple checks you can do:

When your baby cries, does the whole of their tongue lift up close to the roof of their mouth?

When they are asleep, if you gently pull their lower lip down, can you see the underside of their tongue?

If the answer to both of these questions is no, your baby may have TOTs (tethered oral tissues) or a ‘tongue tie’.

Sharon sees what a devastating impact the lack of standardised treatment of tongue tie can have on families and resolved to keep up to date with the latest research.

Sharon is passionate about getting the best care for the bubs she sees. Eight years ago, she joined Astlit and has regularly attended seminars to further her knowledge and find the best Paediatric dentists and lactation consultants to work with. She can give you an idea of how restricted your bubs’ tongue might be and show you exercises that you can do at home to help with the hands on treatment.

These exercises are also vital as preparation for a release, if that’s what your baby needs.

Sharon can also help you with treatment and exercises post-op. As with any surgery, you get a much better outcome with pre-hab and re-hab 👍

Any questions? Please call 02 9907 8919

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